Radio Interview: Chris Schacht ABC Newsradio – Ruddock reports today
ABC Newsradio "The Signal": Chris Schacht appears on The Signal hosted by Chris Dengate and Ange Lavoipierre. 18.5.18
Chris discusses, with others, probable outcomes from Philip Ruddock's "Religious Freedom" Review -- his report to be delivered to the PM today. It seems there will be some 20 recommendations to advance religious freedoms but Turnbull will not make them public until June.
Chris also refers to the issues faced by NSL when presenting evidence to the Ruddock Panel in March and the disproportionate balance of submissions (16,500) with the vast majority coming from religious organisations and their congregations -- it was put to Ruddock the figure is close to 95%. The recommendations will now play out on the floor of parliament.
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