Have your say on religious anti-discrimination exemptions in SA

For our secular friends in South Australia, here's a great chance to make your voices heard on a policy matter.

The Marshall government is proposing changes to the state's Equal Opportunity Act 1984 to ensure that religious providers of essential services, including health care and aged care, cannot discriminate against workers and care recipients on the basis of sex or LGBTIQ identity.

We'll be making a submission! We encourage you to do so, too!

Submissions close 5pm, Friday 27 November 2020.

For more information about the proposed changes, for details about how you can make a submission, and to join in the online discussion, visit the yourSAy website.

At the National Secular Lobby, we're pleased to have joined forces with a number of pro-secular community organisations in the #DontDivideUs campaign against the proposed Religious Discrimination Bill. Add your voice to the campaign.